Join us for a festive morning of holiday crafts at the Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park!
As folk music and carols fill the air and hot apple cider simmers on the wood-burning stove, children will delight in crafting letters to Santa using quill pens and sealing them with wax. Families can create beautiful wreaths and garlands from rosemary, fir, and toyon berries to adorn their homes. The sweet scent of clove-studded citrus wafts from the pomander station, while icing and sprinkles bring gingerbread men to life at the cookie decorating table. Guests can also make strung cranberry and popcorn decorations, woven wheat ornaments, and cut paper snowflakes for the tree.
This annual tradition is a family favorite, so invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join in the fun!